1. ඉලෙක්ට්‍රොනික් ගැන මුල ඉදන් ඉගෙන ගන්න කැමතිද ? වැඩි ඉල්ලීම මත ලගදීම් ආරම්භ කරයි.
  2. ලිපි සෙවීම සදහා පටුන බාවිතා කරන්න.
  3. අපගේ රසික පිටු වලට සම්බන්ද වී අලුත් ලිපි ඉක්මනින් ලබා ගන්න.
  4. විද්‍යුත් තැපෑල මගින් අලුත් ලිපි ඉක්මනින් ලබා ගන්න.
  5. ඔබට අවශ්‍ය ලිපි, ඔබගේ ප්‍රශ්න, අදහස් හා යෝජනා අදහස් | යෝජනා | චෝදනා පිටුවට එක් කරන්න.
  6. අපගේ Chrome Extension එක Download කර ගන්න.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SMS බස් වහර ( සියලුම අකුරුවලින් ) | SMS Language. - Sinhala

a3  anytime,anywhere,anyplace
aam  as a matter of fact
aamof  as a matter of fact
ab  ah bless!
activ8  activate
add  address
adn  any day now
afaik  as far as i know
aisb  as i said before
aka  also know as
aml  all my love
anytng  anything
asap  as soon as possible
asl  age, sex, location
atb  all the best
atm  at the moment
atw  at the weekend
awhfy?  are we having fun yet ?
ax  across
ayor  at your own risk

b be / bee
b2 back to
b2b business to business
b4  before
b4n bye for now
bbfn bye bye for now
bbl be back later
bbs be back soon
bbsd be back soon darling
bcame become
bday birthday
beg big evil grin
bf boyfriend
bfn bye for now
bg big grin
bion believe it or not
bn been / being
brb be right back
brill brilliant
brt be right there
bta but then again
btdt been there, done that
btr better
btw by the way
bwd backward

c see
c zin season
c%d could
c%l cool
c&g chuckle and grin
ceo chief executive
chln chilling
chlya chill ya!
cid consider it done / crying in disgrace
cld9? cloud 9?
cm call me
cmb call me back
cn can
cnc cheap and cheerful
cos because
cr8 create
crbt crying really big tears
csg chuckle snicker grin
cu see you
cu2moro see you tomorrow
cu2nite see you tonight
cud could
cuimd see you in my dreams
cul8r see you later
cunvr see you never
cupl couple
cus see you soon
cuz because
cw2cu can't wait to see you
cya see ya
cyo see you online

d the
dat that
d8 date
d8ing dating
db8 debate
dd dead
dict8 dictate
dinr dinner
dk don't know
dl download
dm& demand
dndc don't know, don't care
doin doing
dur do you remember
dv8 deviate
dwb don't write back
dxnre dictionary

e2eg ear to ear grin
emsg email message
eod end of discussion
eol end of lecture
every1 everyone
ezi easy
ezy easy

f2f face to face
f2t free to talk
f? friends?
faq frequently asked question/s
fc fingers crossed
ficcl frankly, i couldn't care less
fitb fill in blank
fone phone
fotcl falling off the chair laughing
fst fast
ftac fantasy
stbl football
fune funny
fwd forward
fwiw for what it's worth
fya for your amusement
FYEO for your eyes only
fyi for your information

g grin
g2sy / g2cu glad / good to see you
g2g got to go
g9 genius
gal get a life
gf girlfriend
gg good game
ggfn got to go for now
gimme give me
gizza give me a
gj goog job
gl good luck
gm good move / good morning
gmab give me a break
gmesumluvin give me some loving
gmta great minds think alike
gnr8 generate
gnr8n generation
gnrle generally
gonna going to
gr8 great
gsoh good salary , own home good sense of humour
gt good try
gtcu glad / good to see you
gtg got to go

H&K Hugs and Kisses
h2cus hope to see you soon
h8 hate
habu have a better 'un
hagn have a good night
hagu have a good 'un
hak hugs and kisses
hamrd hammered
hand have a nice day
hbtu happy birthday to you
hdepiyluv? how deep is your love ?
hhoj ha ha only joking
hig how's it going
hldmecls hold me close
hohil head over heels in love
hotluv hot love
hotx3 hot , hot , hot
howru? how are you ?
ht4u hot for you
hth hope this helps
humr humour
hv have

i eye
iac in any case
iae in any event
ianal I'm not a lawyer , but.....
ic I see
iccl I couldn't care less
icq I seek you
icwum I see what you mean
idk / idunno I don't know
idlu I don't like you
ih8u I hate you
iirc if I recall remember correctly
ilu / iluvu I love you
iluvu2 I love you too
iluvumed I love you more each day
im I am
im immediate message
imbluv it must be love
imco in my considered opinion
imi I mean it
imo in my opinion
imprs impress
info information
in2 into
iohis4u I only have eyes for you
iooh I'm outta here
iou I owe you
iounotn I own you nothing
iow in other words
iowan2bwu I only want to be with you
irl in real life
itigbs I think I'm gonna be sick
itufir I think you'll find I'm right
iuss if you say so
iwalu I will always love you
iwanu I want you
iyss if you say so

j4f just for fun
jam just a minute
jas just a second
JFK just for kicks
jic just in case
jk just kidding
jmo just my opinion
jstcllme just call me
jtluk just to let you know
juz just

kc keep cool
khuf know how you feel
kiss keep it simple , stupid
kit keep in touch
koc kiss on cheek
kol kiss on lips
kotc kiss on the cheek
kotl kiss on the lips
kwim know what I mean

l laugh
l8 late
l8r later
l8r g8r later 'gator
lch lunch
ldr long distance relationship
lhm Lord help me
lhu Lord help you
lkit like it
lmk let me know
lmao laughing my ass(arse) off
lmfao laughing my fucking ass(arse) off
lngtmnoc long time no see
ltnc long time no see
ltns long time no see
lo hello
lol laugh / laughing out loud
lol lots of love
lts laughing to self
ltsgt2gthr let's get together
lumu Love you, Miss you
luv love
luvu love you
luvya love you
luwamh love you with all my heart

M$ULkeCrZ Miss you like Crazy !
msulkecrz miss you like crazy !
m8 mate
mbrsd embarrassed
mc Merry Christmas
md managing director
mfi mad for it
mgb may God bless
mmyt mail me your thoughts
mob mobile
msg message
mte my thoughts exactly
mtf more to follow
mtfbwu may the force be with you
myob mind your own business

n and / no
n1 nice one !
na no access
nagi not a good idea
nc no comment
ncase in case
ne any
ne1 anyone
ned need
nethng anything
no1 on one
np no problem
nrn no reply necessary
nt2nite not tonight
nvm never mind
nwo no way out

o or
o4u only for you
obab oh baby
obtw oh by the way
ohmigod oh my God
oic oh I see
ol old lady
om old man
omg oh my God
on4it on for it
otoh on the other hand
ott over the top
ottomh off the top of my head
ova over

pcm please call me
pds please don't shoot
pls please
pls4givme please forgive me
pm private message
pmji pardon my jumping in
poahf put on a happy face
ppl people
prt party
prw parents are watching
ptmm please tell me more

q queue
qix quick
qpsa? que pasa ?
qt cutic

r are / or
rad radical
rgds regards
rip rest in peace
rmb ring my bell
rme rolling my eyes

rofl rolling on the floor laughing
roflmao rolling on the floor laughing my ass(arse) off
roflol rolling on the floor laughing out loud
rotf rolling on the floor
rotfl rolling on the floor laughing
rotflol rolling on the floor laughing out load
rotflmao rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
roflcopter roflcopter, that's funy stuff !

RU? Are you ?
ruok? are you OK ?
rutlkn2me? are you talking to me ?
ruup4it? are you up for it ?

sal such a laugh
sc stay cool
sec second
sete smiling ear to ear
sit stay in touch
sk8 skate
sme1 someone
smtoe sets my teeth on edge
so significant other
sohf sense of humour failure
sol sooner or later
sot short of time
sotmg short of time must go
spk speak
sry sorry
st2moro same time tomorrow
stats your sex and age
stra stray
stw search the web
suakm shut up and kiss me
sum1 someone
sup support
sup? what's up ?
swak sealed with a kiss
swalk sent with a loving kiss
swdyt? so what do you think ?
swg scientific wild guess
swl screaming with laughter
sys see you soon

t+ think positive
t2go time to go
t2ul talk to you later
t2ul8r talk to you later
ta4n that's all for now
tafn that's all for now
tcoy take care of yourself
tdtu totally devoted to you
tel telephone
thn then
thnq thank you
thnx thanks
thx thanks
tnx thanks
tx thanks
tia thanks in advance
tic tongue in cheek
tmb text me back
tmi too much information
tmiy take me I'm yours
tmot trust me on this
tnt till next time
toy thinking of you
truluv true love
ttfn ta ta for now
tttt to tell the truth
ttul talk to you later
ttul8r talk to you later
ttyl talk to you later
ttutt to tell you the truth
ttytt to tell you the truth
ttyl8r to tell you the truth
tuvm thank you very much
txt text
txtin texting

u you
u2 you too
u4e yours for ever
up4it up for it
ur you are
ur your
urd1 you are the one
urhstry you are history !
uwot you what !

vgc very good condition
vri very
v very

w with
w/o without
w4u waiting for you
w8 wait
w84me wait for me
wadr with all due respect
wan2 want to
wanna want to
wan2tlk? want to talk ?
wassup what's up ?
wayd what are you doing
wb welcome back
wbs write back soon
wckd wicked
wen when
wenja? when do you ?
werja? where do you ?
werru? where are you ?
WerUBn? where have you been ?
wfm works for me
wil will
wl will
wk week
wknd weekend
wlubmn? will you be mine ?
wlumryme? will you marry me ?
wn when
wot what
wrt with respect to
wsuuuuuuu? what's up ?
wtg way to go
wth what / who the heck
wtm? what time ?
wu? what's up ?
wuf? where are you from ?
wuwh wish you were here
wysiwyg what you see is what you get
wywh wish you were here

x kiss
x! typical woman
XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours
xlnt excellent
xmeqk kiss me quick
xoxoxo hugs and kisses

y why
y yes
ys yes
y! typical man
ya you
ya your
ybs you'll be sorry
yg young gentleman
yiu yes I understand
yl young lady
ym young man
yr your

z said
zzzz sleeping
© මෙම ලිපියේ අයිතිය ලිපි ගබඩාවේ ඇඩ්මින් සතු වේ.

මෙම ලිපියට කැමතිද ?

මෙම ලිපියේ තරාතිරම :
{[['', '']]}
{["Useless", "Boring", "Need more details", "Perfect"]}

මෙම ලිපිය අනිත් අයටත් බෙදා දෙන්න :

ඔබගේ අදහස් , යෝජනා , චෝදනා පහලින් සදහන් කරන්න.
අදහස් යි.
අදහස් 0 යි.

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